
Sunday, March 2, 2014


This week's photo was chosen from those that I took for my last week of a Photo 101 class. I have been taking an online "Photography 101" class intended for beginners, like myself, with little to no experience in photography. I love learning so it's been a lot of fun learning the basics of how to use my DSLR camera. I am by no means an expert now, but it has been really neat getting to learn about manual exposure, composition, and such while shooting with natural light.
I just realized that Little M is wearing the same little outfit this week as last... Probably because it is my current favorite one of his. 
It has been a great week, and the weather has been beautiful here the last few days! Getting excited for spring break and our upcoming trip to Nashville only two weeks away!

"A portrait of my son, once a week, every week, in 2014."