
Sunday, January 26, 2014


"The prayers we weave into the matching of socks, the stirring of oatmeal, the reading of stories, they survive fire.” 
Ann Voskamp 

Today I was able to have a bit of extra time snuggled up with this little one who was having an rare tough morning. Baby M is generally so calm, and content, but today he just wanted to remind me that he was in fact a baby. And some days babies just need to be babies. But being able to console and love on this sweet baby made my heart full. Full of gratitude and thanksgiving for his Creator, who knew I needed to just stop in the busyness of life and that despite our good intention of making it to church, that He needed my heart right where I was. Right in the middle of the chaos of life. I needed to stop and set aside my agenda to reflect, be prayerful, and offer thanksgiving. I am in awe and so grateful that God has demonstrated His transcending, perfect mercy and love in choosing Chris and I to care for this little one as his parents. We know that he is His child, his life woven together according to His perfect plan- knowing his present and future needs, desires, discomforts, and joys. My prayer as a mother is that God will extend to me the daily wisdom and grace I need to mother and raise little Micah according to His ways. So, little Micah, as quoted above, I weave prayers together for you as I experience the dailies of this adventure in motherhood.

"A portrait of my son, once a week, every week, in 2014."

"I want to see beauty. In the ugly, in the sink, in the suffering, in the daily, in all the days before I die, the moments before I sleep." (Ann Voskamp) 

Micah: having a conversation and sharing sweet smiles with Dada. This last week or so there have been abundant baby coo's and sweet smiles.  Little Micah is crazy about his Daddy. 


  1. Yay for Daddies! and yay for baby snuggles! My babies loved to be worn when they had unsettled days like this -- have you tried a wrap or carrier for him?

  2. Yes, Rachel, I love wearing him around! He's quite fond of the moby wrap particularly and love being all wrapped up and snuggled up with mama or his Nana! Yesterday he seemingly was in somewhat of a funk. There was no fever, but I was wondering if he might have not felt well. He's typically such a content little guy.
